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3 Hair Transplant Surgeries Via Futstrip 2 In Italy And The Final And Decisive One With Dr Victor Hasson In 2007

3 Hair Transplant Surgeries via Futstrip 2 in Italy and the Final and Decisive One with Dr. Victor Hasson in 2007

The Surgeon Who Performed Conte's Hair Transplant

We Have Changed the Lives of Many Players

The Telegraph interviews Dr. Hasson

You Must Have a Strong Personality for...

Dr. Victor Hasson, who has performed hair transplants on numerous celebrities, shares his insights on the procedure and what it takes to be a successful hair transplant surgeon.

Dr. Hasson explains that there are different techniques for hair transplantation, and the Futstrip 2 method is one of the most advanced and effective.

He also emphasizes the importance of choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon, as the results of a hair transplant can be life-changing.
